Ann Copeman enjoys thinking deeply about a subject of interest, following some of the mycelium-like threads of enquiry that emerge. She likes to let a visual language evolve via ideas that connect the external world with the internal world, learning to trust the personal logic inherent in this process. In 2023, time spent in the grand gorges of the Pilbara amongst the litany of gem-like stones and the terraced antiquity of banded ironstone, inspired landscapes and word-mark paintings, musing upon the poetic poignancy of rock as watcher and witness throughout all geological time. (ref TS Eliot). Rock is the familiar of tree, river, forest – all vital facets of nature. In other paintings here, praise of rock is extended to tree and other natural elements. Borrowing the words of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, ‘the force that through the green fuse drives the flower’ becomes a reference to the cycles of life and death in all nature. Through the Green Fuse II watercolour, ink on watercolour paper Forest Fusion I watercolour, ink on watercolour paper Capsules of Time watercolour, ink on watercolour paper Below: The Rock, the Watcher, the Witness II watercolour, ink on watercolour paper |