Title: Letters from Home
Medium: encaustic on paper Dimensions: 76 x 57 cm each x 4 This work incorporates letters from loved ones to soldiers overseas, photographs portraying comradery of soldiers and mark making indicating fallen soldiers and the hardware of war that remain behind. The letters reflect that, while there may be disagreement with the politics of war and fighting overseas, families and loved ones at home continue to support soldiers. I have included four conflicts in this work to portray the similarities (eg. support from home, comradery) and differences (eg. level of dirtiness) over time. I have used layers of encaustic between each process. First watercolour paint and rusty objects were used to make marks onto the paper, then photographic images were transferred into the encaustic, followed by embedding the letters and, finally, embedding hand-dyed silk into the encaustic layers. Artists who I find inspiring are Jasper Johns, Daniella Woolf and Judy Wise. The photographs and letters used were accessed from the Australian War Memorial Archives. |
Terri Pikora is an abstract painter based in Albany. Terri has discovered a passion for encaustic and enjoys exploring how this medium allows different layers to be built in her paintings. She won the Great Southern Painting Award in 2013 and was a finalist in the City of Swan Art Award in 2011. Terri has participated in many group exhibitions in Albany, Perth and Melbourne. |